The museum displays biblical exhibits spanning 3500 years. It offers visitors a personal experience of the Bible and reveals its impact on the world.

As part of the 700 Club program, Pat Robertson interviewed the museum’s founder, Steve Green. Green organized a virtual tour for the host and the audience. The tour began with the Gutenberg printing press, which was considered one of the most important inventions in history. (By the way, Life magazine called the printing of the Bible the most important event of the millennium.)

According to Greene, it should be remembered that the list of Life magazine’s 100 most important events did not include Gutenberg’s printing press, but the fact that the Bible was published thanks to this press. It was this event that the magazine ranked first in the list of the most important events of the millennium.

Prayer in the Valley Forge

The museum presents the painting “Prayer in the Valley of Forge”, which was painted by Arnold Friberg in 1975. The painting depicts George Washington praying on his knees. This is one of the most famous images of the first president of America.

Scripture in Aramaic

Greene also showed one of the many biblical exhibits, a portion of the Scriptures in Aramaic spoken by Jesus. This scroll was created 400 years after Christ’s earthly ministry. It is considered the world’s largest fragment of the Holy Scriptures in Aramaic.

The Book of Isaiah from the Dead Sea Scrolls

Among the ancient biblical finds at the exhibition is a copy of one of the Dead Sea Scrolls containing the entire Book of Isaiah. Its original is kept in the Holy Land. Green calls it “a stunning artifact” because the scroll was written 100 years before Jesus came.